病害虫の蔓延を防ぐため、各国で行われている厳重な植物検疫。 例えば、パパイヤ、マンゴー、茘枝、パプリカなどの果菜類を ミカンコミバエ種群ウリミバエなどの未発生地域に持ち込む際は、 国際基準をクリアすることが義務づけられています。
コンテナ方式でコンパクトな「差圧式蒸熱処理装置」は 薬品を使わず、高温高湿の飽和蒸気で果実内の害虫の卵・幼虫を クリーンに消毒処理。さまざまな果菜類のより安全な輸出入、 国内への持ち込みを可能にします。(特許取得済み)
Worldwide success for Plant quarantine of the tropical fruits.
Our high technology is praised highly from domestic and overseas.
To prevent the proliferation of disease andpests, strict plant quarantine is being carried out in every country. Forexample, there is an obligation to exceed international standards when importing vegetables and fruits such as papaya, mango, litchi, and paprika into any country that does not have oriental fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis species complex) or melon fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae).
This container-based Vapor Heat Treatment System uses no chemicals to cleanly disinfect fruit of the eggs and larvae of harmful insects using high temperature and high humidity saturated vapor.
Users can then import and export a great variety of fruits more safely.(Patent acquisition)
イチゴ苗などの病害虫の防除方法として農薬や温湯処理が使用されておりますが、 弊社の蒸熱処理技術を用い簡単確実に防除することができるようになりました。
(特許取得済み)病害虫の消毒試験のためのテスト機の貸出も行っております。 お気軽にお問い合わせください!
It is remarkable for clean technology without using agrichemicals.
Agrichemicals and/or hot water system has been commonly used to prevent from disease and pest of strawberry seedling, but now it is possible to make it simply/easily by applying our technology of Vapor Heat Treatment.
It is also effective for pests of agricultural products such as disinfection of
sweet potato root rot, control of anthracnose of mango, control of
chestnut pests and disinfection of Japanese shallot mites.
To use this system will lead to reduced amount of agrichemicals.
To use this system will realize lower cost with more quantity of treatment, compared to hot water system.
(We have already registered patent for this system)
We also rent out test machines for disinfection tests of pests.
Please feel free to contact us!
This equipment is to check the quality of inside of fruits by brix, internal quality, weight without any damage and select/sort out by grade automatically as well.
また、無添加で本来の味と香り、食感を残したいドライフルーツなどの製造には、Cool Air Drying Systemをお薦めします。
We will innovate dried fruits as we can control quality of dryness in uniformity by high accuracy equipment.
We recommend Cool Air Drying System to produce dried fruits with original taste, flavor and texture without putting any additive.
- 2024.10.16
- 山口県に栗の害虫駆除用として、蒸熱処理装置を納品しました!
- 2024.06.13
- 事務所移転のお知らせ
Company New Location